I appreciate input; I don’t know of a leader who doesn’t welcome it.  I benefit from diverse viewpoints and know that I see things from one perspective only.  In my daily life, as well as in my professional work, I bounce things off my husband, colleagues and even competitors.  We all benefit from a more rounded look at the world. 
The saying, “opposites attract”, is one I have always related to, as my husband, Bryan, and I are quite opposite.  He’s outgoing and a natural leader; I am by nature an introvert and behind-the-scenes person.  Of course, that surprises a lot of people, as today I am considered more like Bryan.  After 40 years together, I know it is through his influence and help that I have become more outgoing and confident to step into leadership. 
There is a benefit of taking the outlook and view of our opposites as it helps us see the world in closer to a 360-degree view.  One person only sees a partial perspective.  You can resent or be at odds over the differing views, or you can realize that you benefit from that difference and allow it to merge with your own.  The more you see and hear, the stronger the perspective you have. There is a verse in Scripture that says, “as iron sharpens iron, so one person can strengthen another”.  That process sometimes brings a few sparks, but if everyone has the same goal of a more effective Club, those sparks can ignite a fire which will warm those around it.
Please keep the ideas and suggestions coming to all of us on your leadership team.