Posted by Laura Elmore
There is a story of a water bearer in ancient times who carried two pots of water daily on a shoulder brace.  One pot was pristine and the other had a crack which allowed water to leak during transport.  For many months, the man carried the water from the well to his home daily with 1 pot arriving full and the other with about 80% of the water.  The cracked pot felt inferior about the crack and its failure to provide the same value as the perfect pot, and finally spoke to the man. “I am embarrassed and sad that my crack means I do not have the same value as your other pot; maybe you should replace me”, said the pot. To which his owner replied, “You do not see that along the path on your side are flowers which have flourished due to the water your crack provides. Those flowers provide beauty and pleasure to me and many others, as well as nectar to the bees which they use to make honey.”  Which pot has the higher value?
We all have cracks or flaws in our lives; some more than others and some more obvious than others. Regardless, we all have a choice of focusing on the negative of those cracks, or looking for the positive. In my own life I know that my failings can loom larger than successes while in others I see the good more rapidly than the downfalls.  
There was another item carried in pots in ancient times: coals.  The coals were to start new fires or light their way.  I encourage everyone to carry 2 similar pots in your mind--water and coals.  When you see embers that need stoking to build a greater fire, use your coals.  When you see others needing warmth or fire for cooking, you have assistance to give.  With the water you can nurture growing seeds of ideas or new members; you can quench the thirst of a needy person.  That same water can be used to put out a fire that will bring destruction if allowed to grow.  Sometimes that can be negative attitudes which will spread if allowed to burn.  
We see the devastation from the floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and other disasters, and yet we also see the outpouring of help and support.  These times remind us of the blessings in our daily lives and to put aside petty differences.  Keep your coals and water ready to make a difference in the lives around you.